General Invoice Sales Tracker For Windows (GIST): WARNING: BEFORE any "Re-Installation" of this program, make sure you perform a "DATA BACKUP" in the existing program BEFORE you run a new installation. During most re-installations, all existing data is replaced with GIST "Sample" data. Except for very special situations, always use the "Typical" Setup selection, and the default suggestions for the target drive and folder name. ************************************************** POSSIBLE INSTALLATION ISSUES: If you have any problem trying to run SETUP.exe, run SETUP2.exe instead. SETUP.exe requires some special Visual Basic drivers to be installed in your computer and some machines don't have them. When running GIST "Setup", if a message appears saying that the file named "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Wininet.dll" is "already present" and/or "In-Use", just click the "Ignore" button. Do the same thing if a second "error message" apprears saying the same thing about another file named "C:\Windows\System\URLMON.DLL". Just click the "Ignore" button again. Some computers already have and use those files, and some don't. *************************************************** One other possible issue happens in computers which either have (or had) another version of MS-Access installed prior to GIST. This also happens often when being installed into an NT system. If present, this issue occurs after GIST is installed, and just before it displays the "Main Menu". A small popup window will appear saying that the file named "RegWin.Dat" is either missing or corrupt, and the program will reset to an "UnRegistered Version". The reason this window usually appears is because there are prior MS Access settings in the System Registry which tell the computer to look elsewhere for all Access files. Note: This same problem will also happen if anyone tampers with (or edits) the program's registration file "RegWin.Dat". If this is the cause the only way to fix it is to reinstall GIST from the original CD disk. To fix this, select the "MENUS INDEX TAB" near the top of the "Main Menu". On the next menu, click the "SETUP BUTTON". Then, in the "SETUP MENU", click on the "SET DEFAULT DRIVE" button. Enter the hard drive letter where you installed GIST during the original setup routine. After you restart GIST, this issue will no longer exist, and the program will revert back to it's original "Registered or UnRegistered" version. *************************************************** NT SETUP: In most cases you must have administrative privileges to install and uninstall this program in Windows NT. This includes needing administrative privileges the first time you restart your computer after doing the installation or uninstallation of this program. An indication of this is when the GIST-WIN setup program only let's you get as far as a message stating that it can't load the "MSCOMM.DLL" file. It then "Exits" from the setup program without completeing the GIST-WIN program installation. See your server administrator to obtain permission to install or uninstall this program. In NT, the initial target directory for "setup" should always be on drive C: even if you want to place it on some other network drive for normal use. After it has been properly installed onto your drive C: and is running okay, you may then "copy" or "move" the entire "C:\GenInvoiceSalesTracker" folder to whatever drive you want to operate and share it on (network or local). After moving GIST to another drive, run GIST from that drive by double clicking upon the GIST.mde file's icon. Then immediately run the internal GIST routine "SET DEFAULT DRIVE" (found in the GIST-WIN SETUP MENU), described in the above section. After a program restart, GIST should THEN work on your network drive without any more problems. Finally, create a desktop shortcut to your new location of GIST.mde and/or adjust the paths or delete all of the existing GIST shortcuts in the "Start/Programs/Gen Invoice Sales Tracker" menu selection.